Sunday, January 14, 2018

Extracurricular Activities

Hello! Today I’m going to be talking a little about extracurricular activities as a TA.
During school times, there are no organized activities, but when the students have recess, we are able to hang out and play with them. The students typically always have a game of soccer going on, and it’s common to also have a game of catch or some version of hide and seek. The kids also play with jump ropes a lot, practicing going fast and doing crossovers. They also like to play “l’horloge” where one person stands in the middle, swinging a jump rope from one end in a circle close to the ground, and the other students stand around them in a circle and jump over it when it comes to them.
This trimester, I’m leading some after-school extracurricular activities that should be really fun. The theme for this section of activities, or APEs, is books. On Mondays, I help lead a Recipe Book activity with the CMs (4th and 5th graders) and we will be compiling a list of recipes and making them. Some recipes we are going to be making include ants on a log, fruit salad, a regular salad, an energy bar, and banana pops.
The rest of the days (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays) I lead a puppets activity, where we will be reading or listening to different fairy tales such as Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, and Goldilocks. After we read the stories, we will make puppets for the different characters and then put on a little play with them. I’m doing this activity with CPs, CE1s, and CE2s (1st, 2nd, and 3rdgraders). The first week, we decorated a cardboard theater for the plays.
Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day!